Our Philosophy

As Guest through India

With us you don’t travel  as a tourist, but rather as a guest through India. You will get to know India in all its facets and get in close friendly contact with the population. Of course, you will also visit the Taj Mahal, but besides the main sights, there is plenty of room for you to experience India as it really is. Whether it’s through a walk in the morning vegetable market, a cup of tea with a Rajasthan family at home or cooking session together on our trekking tours!

Active through India

We specialize in active travel. This means both, physical activity, but also a journey on which all sensory organs are activated, so that India can be absorbed in all its glory. Trekking or cycling tours make you travel more slowly and consciously and thus get to know the country and people. Even during our adventure trips by car or train, we incorporate active elements, such as a small hikes, yoga or a rafting tour. This kind of travel creates contacts with the locals, one “experiences” instead of just “watching”, so that one becomes a part of India. Only on foot you can reach areas away from mass tourism, where the true beauties of India are hidden.

Environmental Friendly through India

In addition, we try to make our trips as environmentally friendly as possible. Admittedly, the flight to India alone creates a fairly large carbon dioxide footprint. Therefore we try to convince our guests to stay a little longer in India, also because India is such a big country that it is really worth it! On our travels, we avoid domestic flights as far as possible, we often travel by foot or bike and stay in small local guesthouses and hotels to support the local economy. So we set a good example, in a country where environmental protection is still quite far behind.

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