Here you will find useful links to websites of my partners, friends and which I can recommend to have a look at!

The Human Hope Foundation is a small non-profit organization in Shimla, with whom Chalo! Travels has some projects together. Together with annual scholarships, we support the education of girls and give afternoon lessons and workshops to the children of socially disadvantaged backgrounds.
Our partner for your travel cancellation and travel health insurance. Read more hier.
Chalo! Travels cooperates with the Delhi-based non-profit organisation CHETNA. CHETNA helps street children escape from the vicious circle of child labour and life on the street. There are various programmes to support the children.
As a partner of BCRT (Berliner Centrum für Reise- und Tropenmedizin), we issue our guests with vouchers for a free consultation. Questions about vaccinations, travel medicine topics regarding India and altitude suitability can be answered.

Yogamehome offers great and varied online yoga videos for your own yoga practice at home. This link gives you a free trial month.