Dear supporters,
here is the third donation report about the Chalo! Travels-Hope fundraiser in support of disadvantaged people in India during the Corona crisis.
First of all, I would like to apologize for the delay in the report.
I had the plan to present this report along with many news about Chalo! Travels to send to you. But India remains India and the implementation of some changes is still in the process. So I have to wait a little longer than I thought, to report the news. Not that it would be so urgent, India continues to struggle with the Corona crisis and so far there seems no end to this so that a start for tourism here in India cannot be foreseen.
However, it is all the more urgent that this report finds its way to you.
I know that in your homeland, life takes its normal form again. In India too, some restrictions have been lifted. The economy cannot be standstill.
But as you can imagine COVID 19 now finds a huge spread in India and is unstoppable. 630000 cases in total, 20000 new cases per day, the high number of unreported cases not Included.

These figures create fear and this fear is mostly felt by the poorest and especially the many day laborers experience great suffering. Mid class people are going back to work to their offices, but hardly anyone stays longer than necessary on the roads, where once the poorer population had a small income. No one visits a street snack stand anymore and buys a samosa. No one cranks down the window and buys pens during a traffic light stop or brings his laundry to iron. And hardly anyone finds a reinstatement with a family, as a cook, cleaner or driver, because people have fear.

The people in the slums and on the Roads are increasingly suffering from hunger and the biggest sufferers are their children. Domestic violence erupts and illnesses due to weakness and insufficient hygiene spreads. The children are used as additional money-earners and are sent to the streets, usually for begging. Incidents of child trafficking and abuse increased enormously.

Schools are expected to remainclosed till October. Online lessons are to take place. However, even if a smartphone should be present in a family, the money for the recharge is not there.

Many non-profit organizations do their best to continue to support families and their children by providing food, school supplies and online teaching. But it is increasingly difficult to obtain donations, for understandable reasons. The Government has stopped distributing food items in many areas.
The Organisation Chetna in Delhi has also developed a plan and localized 750 families in the East Delhi area to support them with food, school supplies, online teaching and telephone credits, footwear and hygiene products. Here is a small video about the area.
The focus is now mainly on school lessons to keep the children busy and away from child labour. For this, Chetna has recorded more than 300 instructional videos.
5 children should share a smartphone for the lessons.
Online schooling Online schooling Online schooling
This is not a fundraising appeal. All of you already did so much. But if you feel the need to continue to help, I encourage you to support this project. I work very closely with Chetna and are in daily contact with the employees. They provide excellent work.
Below in the appendix, you will find a precise project plan by Chetna. It can be donated directly via their website (or through me).
Donation report
To this day, the incredible sum of 12120 € has been received from you.
The donations came from Chalo! Travels guests, yoga friends, my family and friends from all over the world, as well as very committed people who have carried on the message and thus have found more donors. Thank you!
The donations went to three various projects:
Human Hope Foundation Shimla and Meal distribution in Delhi: 3600 €
After Shimla was declared as a Green Zone, we have gradually scaled back the support here to focus on other crisis areas.
Unfortunately, the Meal distribution had to stop end of May in Delhi, as some of the workers got infected by Corona. The facility had to be shut down. We diverted the donations and cared for other families in Delhi with left over money.

In total, we were able to provide rations to 76 families (approx. 340 people) for two months. In addition, 1861 Milk packages (500 ml) were provided to families with children.

In Delhi we have 5320 warm meals prepared and distributed since mid-April.
Action Shimla on 9 May 2020: 455 €

With 455 € we were able to distribute food packages to 20 poor families in our neighborhood. This allowed people to bridge four weeks without work. Most of them now work again as garbage collectors and on construction sites. Whenever we ride our bikes past them, they greet us with gratitude.
Sand to Snow Jaipur, Rajasthan: 2135 €

As the situation in Shimla eased, we have focused more on the crisis areas. One of them is Rajasthan.

Many of you know Jaipur. Here I work with the NGO “Sand to Snow” (at the same time also partner organizer for motorcycle tours, bikers from all over the world seem to be very generous). With up to 50°C, it is incredibly hot in Rajasthan.
Here we focus on the following :
- On daily labors who don`t get work
- On stranded Migrant workers in Delhi, who have made their way back to their villages on the footpath and cross Rajasthan hungry
The following actions were carried out with the help of your donations:
- 700 food packages to poor working families in Jaipur and the rural environment have been distributed. The ration will last for a week.
- Simple dwellings for stranded people Migrant workers were built
- 4040 meals and water were given to migrant workers
Chetna NGO in Delhi: 6000 €
Chetna is a non-profit Organisation focusing on the support of Street children all over Delhi. As a result, the NGO has an enormous reach and has been able to localize distressed families. Delhi is one of the largest crisis areas, people live here in a confined space without sufficient hygiene possibilities.

In the last few weeks, the majority of your donations went to Chetna.
Total: 1067 supported families with the supply of staple foods for one week in various areas of Delhi and Kashmir. Among them, 2264 children and 2561 adults were supported. All families were also given detailed information on the Covid-19 pandemic and necessary preventive measures.
The supply of food for only one week is, of course, not enough. But the action of support alone gives these people a lot of hope and a feel of not being alone in this crisis.
At this point again a big thank you to all donors!
Humanitarian support to most marginalized families affected by the lockdown |
City: – New Delhi
Partners Name: CHETNA (Childhood Enhancement through Training and Action)
The sector of project intervention: Livelihood, education and child protection
Project Beneficiaries– Marginalized poor (street) connected families, single women, widows, migrants, daily wagers, rag-pickers) With NO Social Security (ration card, bank account, medical insurance etc.).
Purpose / Goal of the project | Provide humanitarian support to 750 street-connected families and children and respond to the threat posed by lockdown on their livelihood. |
What is the problem we are addressing? | Street families and street workers are bearing the brunt of the coronavirus pandemic due to loss of income coupled with dismal living conditions. The spread of coronavirus, urging people to distance themselves socially and work from home. But social distancing means hunger for street children and their families, with a work force heavily dependent on manual Laboratory. It is an unheard-of luxury for the ragpicker or street vendor who Lives day to day. The lockdown has Delivered a deadly punch to the informal and casual sector with a “severe” loss of income. Renu, 13 years old girl. She lives on the street with her parents – both daily wagers employed as ragpicker before the lockdown rendered them without work. She used to get Rs. 350 per day for the work – a sum her family needed. “I miss school. Online learning is not happening as there was no money for phone recharge after our work stopped,” she says. Sonu, 14-year-old boy, says his mother borrowed money from neighbours. The money helps the family of six get by. His father Who worked with a mason is without work. He is the eldest son. They have been Using the public toilet on credit. Their dues have now reached Rs. 1,000. Recent media link of CHETNA’s intervention as Emergency Relief Work Cover Story in Frontline Magazine Burden on children – Frontline New coverage in The Press Trust of India |
What kind of support will be provided to these families? | Immediate and short-term relief Each family will be given a family emergency relief pack which will include a ration kit, stationery kit for two children and two pairs of shoes, 4 masks, hygiene kit and one member’s phone recharge. Each Emergency Family Relief Pack will cost us around 1540/INR. Each kit will contain the following items Ration packs – Now these families cannot even get cooked food from nearby school or distribution Centre because of the free food which was distributed now has Stopped. A kit contains 5kg wheat flour, 2kg rice, two types of pulses, 1kg Sugar, 1kg cooking oil, 1 kg Salt, 200gram Turmeric and red chili powder and a bar of soap required for a family of 4 for one whole week. Hygiene kit-Due to lack of money and lost work, these girls are not able to maintain basic sanitation even during menstruation. Two packets of sanitary napkins will be provided to two female members in each family so that they do not use any other unhygienic and unclean things in these days. Along with this, two children will be given a pair of shoes and 4 double layers washable masks will be given per family, because these people roam around to make donations and begging without masks, which makes them more susceptible to infection. Stationery kit- These children do not have any medium of studies right now and if they do not Get any creative engagement, then these children will be engaged in the work of begging all day. Chetna team members are teaching children daily through Phone. Two children in each family will be given a stationery kit which will have 3 copies, pencil, scale, color, eraser, sharpener, drawing sheets etc. Mobile top-up/recharge– Govt announced several mobile apps and scheme to help migrants and poor. But these relief measures have very little resonance on the ground. Homeless and street connected people are not able to use those applications as majority of them do not have a Smartphone. And those who have smartphones, they have little or no money for Recharge as most of them are out of jobs. By recharging the phone of one member of each family, they will be able to take help from government helpline and can also study with CHETNA member via phone or audio and videos Aids. |
Scope of work | – The first step is to find such needy families who are struggling with dry ration and food. CHETNA team is on field and reaching out to the most marginalized, especially the families living on the streets and under flyovers in the city and the workers who have no source of income and a bleak Future. We are also reaching out to the homeless, beggars and the rag pickers who have no access to ration or any social security schemes. – We have partnered with local Authorities- Police, Childline and Delhi Civil Défense Officers, additional district magistrate across the city to help us distribute these ration packs and relief material responsibly while adhering to the social distancing norms, to ensure the safety of team members and beneficiaries. – Ration and all others material will be purchased from pre-identified shops. These are the shops which have GST bill and branded goods with Agmark. -After purchasing of ration and emergency relief material, we will distribute the ration to the identified most marginalized families with the help of local authorities. All the social distancing norms will be kept in mind. |
How do you know this is a problem and have children or the community has been involved in discussion about the need? | Team is closely connected to the children and parents via phone to assess their basic needs and determine what support and funding are most impactful. This is how we are working to ensure no child is left behind or exploited by this pandemic. After our daily extensive conversation with them, the children contacted us crying saying help us we have not eaten anything. All these beneficiaries are daily wage earners and lost their work due to pandemic, many have no money and no Food. The lockdown has already disproportionately hurt these communities due to loss of livelihood and lack of food, shelter, and other basic needs. |
Estimated number of beneficiaries | 750 street -connected families and their children. |
Estimate cost of project activities | 1170000/INR (Detailed budget is attached with e-mail) |
Reporting deliverable | CHETNA will be submitted the three-page report of update of relief material distribution after 10 days of the distribution. This report will include the following |
PR understanding | Both parties can get the project related content printed through their print media handle but both will take consent from each other Printing before. |
Visibility of company | CHETNA will put the company’s logo in all activities and will mention the company’s contribution in social media and in written documents. |
Organization Name | Childhood Enhancement through Training and Action (CHETNA) |
Date and year of registration | 08 March 2002 |
Nature of organization | Public Charitable Trust |
Registration No. | 666/IV/698/46-54 |
Registration under IT Act | Under section 12 A/ 10 (23 C) of Income Tax Act 1961 |
IT Exemption Certificate | Under 80 G/ 35 AC |
PAN No. | AAATC4830G |
TAN No. | DELC07567A |
State/ Province | Delhi |
Country | India |
Telephone Number | +91 98114 32012, 011-416-444-71 |
Email Address |, |
Website | |