How it all started “How did you come to yoga?” That is a question I have often been asked. At the time of 14, my mother took me to a yoga weekend for the first time. At that time I didn’t understand much about “yoga”, but I liked the acrobatic exercises, was proud to make […]
Tag: Yoga Teacher Training India
Week 6 – Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh: Graduation
Yesterday, the end of the six incredible weeks at Anand Prakash Ashram was celebrated with a ceremonial closing ceremony. I can’t believe that this intense and instructive time is actually over. In addition to my further education as a yoga teacher, I was also able to develop as a yogini and to experience this in […]
Third Week of The Yoga Teacher Course in Rishikesh
About Kundalini Yoga, Kichidi, the Bhagavad Gita and Intestinal Restoration The days are passing very quickly. I can’t believe that the third week of the course is already done! Half of the training is over. The ashram has actually become my temporary home. I feel really comfortable and while I’ve been exhausted many times in […]