Girl Friends Travelling India

10 tips on how to make the journey a success!

Travelling with your girlfriend in India
Travelling with your girlfriend in India

It doesn’t always have to be a city trip to London or a trip to the Spreewald (local destination in Germany ;)) or Spain! No, you can also think further into the distance and, well, travel to India!

You and your best friend love yoga, like to go hiking, are interested in other cultures and like to stroll through the culinary delights of this world? Then grab your girlfriend and travel to India!

A tour of India lasting several weeks is a unique experience that will have an effect long after the trip!

In recent years, we have not heard much good about India, especially regarding the safety of women in India. (An article about this topic you can find here) This is very regrettable, because India is actually a very safe country to travel and you can enjoy many advantages, especially as a woman, that you might not have in your home country: seats are kept reserved for women, heavy luggage is carried, etc. But as everywhere in the world, there are also dark sides in India and certain parts of the country (Bihar, Uttar Pradesh…) should perhaps be  better avoided, simply because here the respect for women is unfortunately quite low. Everywhere else you can travel as a woman in India, however, very safely.

Sleeping on the train

In the following, I would like to give you some tips on how to make your trip to India with your girlfriend particularly good.

  1. Leave out the big cities

India is not distinguished by its cities, but by the rural regions that enchant you, while the cities of Delhi, Mumbai and Co. are mostly strenuous, overcrowded, noisy and polluted. If you don’t want to miss the cities, take a guide or take a guided tour!

  1. Journey to the countryside
Women Rajasthans festively smudged

Green rice fields, small gardens, happy cows and laughing children – this is India with all it’s fun and authenticy! The people in the countryside are especially friendly and invite you to your home all the time!

  1. Be active
With Gracy on a trekking tour

Whether a trekking tour in the Himalayas, a camel safari in the Tharr desert or a bike tour along Kerala’s coast, you will get to know the real India and experience the beautiful nature and diversity of India up close.

  1. Treat yourself to a few days in a beach resort on India’s coast

India is surrounded by three oceans and it is worth relaxing for a few days in a resort right at the beach. The prices of the resorts are relatively affordable and usually also offer yoga classes and Ayurvedic treatments!

  1. Do  Yoga

 India is the origin of yoga and everywhere in India yoga classes are offered, in which one can simply participate. Of course, a longer stay in a yoga ashram for a retreat to intensify your own yoga practice would be especially great.

  1. Take a cooking class
Cooking class with Rekha

Indian food is great, diverse, often vegetarian and very creative. A cooking class or even several in different regions is fun and gives an impression how different the Indian cuisine is! The recipes you will learn are the best souvenir!

  1. Let yourself be invited to a wedding
The newlyweds festively decorated

An Indian wedding is a spectacle that should not be missed! The multi-day event, which also invites thousands of guests, is like a mini-India: Colorful, Many, Chaotic and Merry!

  1. Visit a national park
Sarah and Lea on their journey through Kerala

In India there are still free-living animals, which you can unfortunately only see in the zoo! Depending on which national park you visit in India, you can spot in India besides tigers, crocodiles and elephants, soger snow leopards and lions – if you are lucky.

  1. Travel light

The less you take to India, the more you can take back! And India is a true shopping paradise: spices, jewelry, clothing, scarves – all beautiful things for little money that will give you a lot of pleasure at home.

  1. The most beautiful places in India
Sunset Hampi

Here are a few places that are one of my favorite destinations in India and should be included if possible, also it will be impossible to accommodate all these destinations in one trip. But then you have at least a reason to go to India again. I have arranged the places from north to south:

Leh– Located at 3500 meters, also known as Klein Lhasa. It is very Buddhist and is located in Ladakh, a high mountain desert

Manali– mountain resort in the Indian Himalayas. Ideal starting point for short and long trekking tours

Mcleod Ganj– also located in the Himalayas. Here the Dalai Lama has his exiled government

Rishikesh– Ideal for Yoga on sacred ganges

Amritsar– Living and living with the Sikhs in the Golden Temple

Jodhpur– The most beautiful fort in India

Shri Jasnat Ashram– one of the most beautiful yoga ashrams in India and quite authentic

Jaisalmer– great desert city and good starting point for camel safaris

Varanasi– this Hindu city on the Ganges must be experienced!

Bandhavaghar National Park– In the heart of Madya Pradesh and famous for its tigers

Udaipur– gelegn on a lake and known as the most romantic city in India

Hampi– one of the most beautiful places in India, totally relaxed. Here there are rice fields, a lot of history, temples, palm trees and rocks – also ideal for climbing

Mysore– great castle, great market

Bandipur National Park– Elephants guaranteed!

Cochin– nice port city in Kerala and very good starting point for a trip through Kerala

Munnar– Hike through the green tea plantations

Thekkadey– Nature reserve, spice plantations and very good cooking course

Varkala– One of the most beautiful beaches in India

You fancy such a trip, but your girlfriend can’t join? Then join our women’s tour. In this trip almost everything mentioned and so much more is included!

Here is our India round trip of women, for women and with women.

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