Day 3 Karnataka: Neer Dosa with Veg Sagu

Neer Dosa is a savoury and very thin pancake only made out of soaked and ground rice with a bit of salt. Same with the deep-fried Luchis from day one, I was pleasantly surprised how nice they came out since I had difficult experiences with preparing all types of Dosas in my past ?. Neer Dosas are super light. Veg Sagu is a type of potato vegetable stew with coconut. I really enjoyed this South Indian Dish.

The first time I tried Neer Dosa was with my friend Subbu in Bangalore who introduced me to all of the Karnataka specialities. Bangalore is a very young and modern town, but also quite congested. But once out of Bangalore there are even more things to do such as cycling, hiking and rock climbing.

I love the town Mysore with it´s palace and markets, the nearby Bandipur National (spotting elephants almost quarantined) and of course Hampi a bit further up north. Hampi is one of my most favourite places in whole India. The landscape with the green rice fields, huge boulders, temples and rivers is amazing. There are many UNESCO ancient sights to visit and if you are into bouldering this place is for you.

Recipe for Neer Dosa

Recipe for Veg Sagu

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