Day 24 Goa: Kaju Curry with Mushroom Xacuti and Goan Moolyacho Ross

Everyone has heard of Goa. The smallest state of India is famous for it´s beaches, Yoga, Party and holidays.

But also, the Portuguese influenced Goan Cuisine is quite remarkable. Of course, the Goan Kitchen is famous for all type of seafood and meat preparation. But I was very happy to find also many vegetarian dishes and because they all sound so yummy, I decided to cook not only one, but three.

I was always curious about the Cashew Curry, but have never dared to try it, since I thought it would be extremely rich, having cashews as the main ingredient. Also, I changed the recipe a bit by using more capsicum and fewer cashews. The Mushroom Xacuti is the adapted version of a chicken preparation. My favourite was the Moolyacho Ross, a lentil dish with radish and coconut and a little sweet in flavour.

For various Yoga trainings in Hatha, Ashtanga, Nada and Yin Yoga and I spent lots of time in the North of Goa. If it wasn’t for the fabulous trainings, there is unfortunately not much left for me in Goa, which fascinates me. The Beach towns resemble artificial tourist places, the beaches become dirtier and dirtier and everything is quite expensive.

Recipe for Kaju-Curry

Recipe for Pilz-Xacuti

Recipe for Goan Moolyacho Ross

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