The Taj Mahal

From ancient and new wonders of the world

The Taj Mahal in India

Standing in front of the Taj Mahal (meaning Royal Palace), there is no doubt, why the 17th-century Muslim mausoleum was named one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

The 17-hectare complex with its 73-metre-high white marble dome rises magnificently above the sacred Yamuna River.

The Mughal ruler Shah Jahanbuilt the magnificent Building within 22 years in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631 at the birth of their 14th child. In addition to Mumtaz, Shah Jahan had two other wives.

Even today, the Taj Mahal serves as a symbol of love and houses not only the mortal Superstese Mumtaz but also those of Shah Jahan himself. In addition to a tomb, the complex also includes a mosque and an guets house. Just because of the symmetry, there is also a mosque-like building to the right of the main building. However, only the mosque that shows to Mecca serves as the actual mosque. The Taj Mahal is always closed to visitors on Fridays for prayer.

The Taj Mahal complex also includes an inn.

The UNESCO World Heritage Site has its fascinating charisma not only because of its symmetry and the radiant marble brought from Makrana, 300 km away, but also because of the magnificent gardens with small fountains, the calligraphy of black marble and the fine inlay works.

Shah Jahan, a passionate architect, is said to have designed the complex himself. 20,000 workers were needed for the work and it is said that after their work the workers’ hands were chopped off in order not to create a comparable building.

Shah Jahan, by the way, was imprisoned by his domineering son in the Red Fort after his reign, from where he always had a view of the building, as it is opposite the Taj Mahal.

The Seven New Wonders of the World

But what is the significance of the Seven Wonders of the World of Modern Times?

Time and again there have been appointments of New Wonders of the World, including the wonders of nature and modernity. However, only the Schweitzer Bernhard Weber with his foundation “New Open World Foundation” and the choice of the ” New Seven Wonders Of The World” achieved a real media attention.

The Seven Wonders of the Modern Era were chosen in three phases in 2007 via an online and SMS vote. In the second phase, a jury of seven architects, chaired by the UNESCO Director-General, made the choice from 77 monuments. Initially, 200 buildings could be chosen. In the third phase, there were 21 finalists, from which the Seven New Wonders of the World were chosen by over 100 million votes.

They were announced on 7 July 2007 in a television show in Lisbon:

Chichen Itza (Mayan Ruins in Mexico)

Great Wall of China

Christo SpeechEs Goal in Brazil

The Colosseum in Rome

Machu Picchu in Peru

The rock town of Petra in Jordan

The Taj Mahal in India

The election provoked a lot of criticism, because it was very unscientific and  the online vote  unfair – not everyone could participate in the election. In addition, campaigns have been held in many countries to call on the population to choose their monument. They were also encouraged to vote on multiple votes.

In the end, UNESCO distanced itself from the project, while many countries outside Europe supported the campaign, since the new wonders of the world were cultural heritage from all over the world and not only – as in the case of the ancient wonders of the world – buildings from the Mediterranean region.

The Ancient Wonders of the World

The oldest tradition of a list of wonders of the world goes to the historian Herodotus on about 450 BC. Back.

The list of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World, known today, goes back to Anitpatros, who listed in his guide the most magnificent buildings of his time.

The number seven was considered perfect in antiquity.

The Places were:

The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis to Babylon

The Collos of Rhodes

The tomb of King Mausolos II in Halikarnassos

The lighthouse off Alexandria on the island of Pharos

The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus

The Zeus statue of Phidias of Olympia.

Today, only the pyramids in Egypt exist from the Ancient Wonders of the World. They were declared an eternal wonder of the world and therefore taken from the list for the election of the New Wonders of the World.

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