Week Four: Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Oooooohhhhmmmmmm, that was a week!

On Monday we went directly with “empty stomach” for meditation at 5:20 am and then to the yoga class. For breakfast we had the infamous Kichidi with an extra banana for one last time. This brings the intestinal cleansing cum fasting cure from last weekend to an end. The following meals have then been gradually adapted to the original ashram meal within the week :).

We also started our practicum week and I had the pleasure of teaching two of my three yoga classes. After having been “only” a yoga student for almost three weeks, I really enjoyed finally teaching a group of yoga students myself and applying the newly gained knowledge.

In addition, it was my turn this week to assist our guru Vishva ji in class. It is impressive how he creates this space for eighty yoga students every day and shares his knowledge with them and it is nice to be able to participate in it.

One evening Yogini Sadhvi Bhagavati ji shared with us a very inspiring  satsang (literally meaning: in the presence of truth) in the ashram…

Otherwise, the week revolved around intense yoga asanas, advanced pranayama workshops, the history of yoga and the planning of yoga practicums, including teaching and participating in the classes of my class mates.

In the meantime, our group has grown into a great community. This happens when you breathe together, clean your intestines together and be around with each other all day and night doing yoga.

The days are filled with yoga, whether through the Asana and Pranayama practice, during the fire ceremony, at karma yoga, when we serve the meals, chanting on mantra and singing Khirtan, exchanging yoga philosophy or taking the meals with awareness.

Not only are we trained here to become holistic yoga teachers, but also have the opportunity to lead a yogi life in an Ahsram community for 6 weeks. That is a unique experience.

This week I feel incredible gratitude for spending this time with so many inspiring yogis.

“I laughed when I heard that the fish in the water was thirsty. I laughed when I heard that a man was going on a pilgrimage to find God.”

Kabir (1440 – 1518), Indian saint and Bhakti Yogi

My heart grows daily and even though the days here are incredibly long, intense and exhausting, I am full of joy.

Even the Sunday Karma Yoga work is kind of fun. Today I had the pleasure of cleaning the dining room. Not only that the community activity was nice and we as a group progressed quickly, but I also like also the aspects of karma yoga, such as the selfless activity without attachment and with serenity.

The weekend remains to recharge my batteries on the banks of the Ganges, prepare the next yoga classes and internalize the new knowledge.

Hari Om

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