Chalo! Travels and Frosch Sportreisen are Partners

For Chalo! Travels it is not only a great opportunity, but above all an honour to work with such an experienced sports tour operator as Frosch Reisen.

Since February 2018 we sat together to develop the perfect experience trip for Rajasthan. The result is a multi-active trip with many bike tours and hikes, wildlife safaris, yoga, cooking class and of course also culture program. I myself will accompany the trips in December, January and February and I am looking forward to the guests and the adventure trip. Especially the three-day bike tour from Udaipur to Jodhpur will be a highlight, but I am also very happy about the Jeep Safari in Ranthambore and the small hike in Pushkar. The tour ends with a few beach days in Goa.

Frog Reisen interviewed me for their blog. Here I answer questions about myself as an India expert and adventure athlete, as well as about the journey together and wish you a lot of fun reading.

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