
Annual review 2021 Chalo Travels

It’s Christmas Day. After exactly two years I’m back on German soil. But unfortunately different than planned: I did not contract Corona again in India, but in my German homeland. I am currently in quarantine with my parents at home over Christmas and New Year’s Eve, fortunately with very mild symptoms. This leaves plenty of […]

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Review 2009/10: Volunteer Year in a Delhi Slum Report No 1

My life in India began with a year of volunteering in Delhi. I had participated in the program “Weltwärts” and was supported by the German state for a whole year to work with an Indian organization in a slum in Delhi. Even today I often get questions about my volunteering and my first year on […]

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One-week children’s yoga camp in Rajasthan

Volunteering in India Wow, I can’t believe that tomorrow everything will be over again! Seven days of yoga, dancing, sports, English, art, karate, singing, laughing, crying and twenty-two children who have grown close to my heart! […]

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