
Indian and Ayurvedic spice blends

(made from whole spices directly in India by Rekha from Jodhpur), hermetically sealed, shelf life 12 months) I took many different spice mixes with me from India to Germany. All spice mixtures were ground and mixed from organic spices by Rekha shortly before my departure. The composition of the spices is Rekha’s own recipe. The […]

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Relaxed ashram stay in Rishikesh

Usually, when I visit an ashram, I do so either as part of a yoga training or because I accompany my guests during their trip to an ashram. Both are quite intense. The Navatri Festival This time I went all by myself for 9 days during the Navatri Festival, without any training, but just as […]

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Yoga and (competitive) sports

8 reasons why (top) athletes should include yoga in their training The German national soccer team does it, as does Dirk Nowitzki, as well as tennis player Novak Đoković and top mountain bikers Pauline Ferrand Prevot and Kate McCourtney – they all do yoga. And they are by no means the only professional athletes who […]

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Yoga and Ayurveda for a Healthier and Fitter Body (and you)

Self Paced 5 Hours Online Course You feel disconnected from your body and already try for ages to get rid of these extra pounds, but all types of diets and methods you attempted so far never worked? You look for a holistic and wholesome approach to get back to a body with which you feel […]

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Yoga online courses, retreats, workshops and lessons at Yoga Maya India

India is currently in the second major corona wave and thus in another complete lockdown. This means an indefinite curfew, just like a year ago when India imposed a five-week curfew on the population at the very beginning of the pandemic. Sometimes I feel like the time between the two lockdowns didn’t even exist. Again […]

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The Eight Principles of Ayurvedic nutrition

Another article of mine in the Ayurveda series. As you can read, after my training I am still completely in Ayurveda fever. At the moment I am also working on a two-week Ayurveda and Yoga online retreat. So for me everything revolves around Ayurveda at the moment and that also feels really good in everyday […]

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The Ayurvedic daily routine An important goal in Ayurveda is to maintain the health of the healthy. According to Ayurveda, this succeeds in addition to a healthy diet with a healthy lifestyle. The Dinacharya contributes to a healthy lifestyle – the Ayurvedic daily routine. In Ayurveda, it is particularly important to have a regular daily […]

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Three months in an Ayurveda clinic in Kerala

Since I became unemployed as a tour operator overnight, so to speak, in March 2020, I decided to use this unique opportunity and spend my free time with intensive training in Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic Clinic “Greens Ayurveda” has been directed by Doctor Asghar since 2000. In addition to Ayurvedic retreats and Panchakarma cures, a wide […]

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My Ayurveda Spa at home

One of the eight branches in Ayurveda is called Rasayana and deals with “rejuvenation”. Of course, the Rasayana applications are not really making you younger, but may well prolong life or give more quality to life. The tissue is built up and strengthened and in general, more well-being is ensured. In a small personal setting, […]

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Nataraj Asana- Shiva, the Cosmic Dancer

Many of you, who have been practising yoga for a little longer will know him- Nataraj- Shiva, as a cosmic dancer. Some of you have certainly practiced it more often as an advanced balance – back-bending Asana, others may know him as a statue from the shelf of a yoga school. I also have a […]

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Yoga trekking in India – a report from the point of view of the organizer

During the seven-day yoga trek in the Hamta Valley near Manali in the Indian Himalayas, I had to stop every now and then to look into the mountain landscape, take a deep breath and realize what I was doing here! I was on a seven-day trekking tour. In India. In the Himalayas. In the best […]

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