
Yoga trekking in India – a report from the point of view of the organizer

During the seven-day yoga trek in the Hamta Valley near Manali in the Indian Himalayas, I had to stop every now and then to look into the mountain landscape, take a deep breath and realize what I was doing here! I was on a seven-day trekking tour. In India. In the Himalayas. In the best […]

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India is still swinging in me

A wonderful report by Elke, who travelled India with the help of Chalo!Travels. She stayed in a Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh and did a  Yoga Trek in the Himalayas. This beautiful writing deserves a place on the Chalo! Travels Blog. Dirty, noisy. I cannot stand the sight of this extreme poverty. These are some of […]

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About success and failure on the mountain

Thoughts and insights after a (un)successful expedition to the Chandra Bagha 13 peak in India.No, we could not reach the summit of the 6264 m high C.B. 13 on our 11-day expedition and even had to make an early resignation. Not only the sudden snowfall, but above all the symptoms of altitude sickness and a […]

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Five days of yoga trekking and six-day mountain bike pilot tour from Dharamshala to Manali

Amelie and Marlies are not only two very ambitious sportswomen, but also very adventurous travellers. Together they have been travelling almost all over the world. While Marlies is active in outdoor sports such as trail running, mountaineering, mountain biking and climbing, Amelie is an active triathlete and trains almost every day. […]

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The Indian Himalayas

November Calendar Sheet No. 11 The Himalayas, the highest mountain range in the world. Snow-capped peaks, raging mountain rivers, deep forests, traditional mountain villages, herds of sheep, moon-like desert landscapes, furrowed glaciers, colourful flower meadows. All this are the Himalayas and so much more. […]

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Nine friends climb the Friendship summit at 5289 m

In the last three years I was lucky enough to eather take part in or organize  mountain expeditions in the Indian Himalayas. Mostly there were traditional expeditions with load horses, kitchen team, loadferry and acclimatization days. Sometimes we climbed the summit in alpine style as a team of three or four and quickly reached our […]

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Ascent of the Friendship Summit

Nature, adventure, effort, suffering, physical performance, community, tranquility…. all this and much more is an expedition in the Himalayas. Here is a report on the Guideboard blog about our three-day trip in alpine style up to the 5298 m high summit of the Friendship.   […]

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Climbing mountains – Why do I do this?

Extreme weather conditions: It can storm, snow, become foggy and temperatures drop well below freezing. […]

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Emergency pharmacy for trekking tours and mountain expeditions in the Indian Himalayas

The Indian Himalayas are high, huge and not inhabited for large parts. On trekking or mountain tours, you often meet no human soul for days, except for a few shepherds. Villages can usually only be found at the start and end points of the trekking tours. And even here you will mostly not find a […]

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The complete technical equipment for a mountain ascent in the Indian Himalayas

In addition to great multi-day trekking tours, you can also climb mountains in India. In the Indian Himalayan region there are countless mountain peaks of every level, many of them are even unclimbed and nameless. The 5000 to 7000 metre high peaks range from easy trekking peaks to challenging technical climbing tours on rock and […]

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Hike to the hot springs at Khir Ganga

Leaving the Kullu valley and turning into the narrower and wilder Parvati valley, one reaches Barsheni, the last village of the valley that can still be reached by car. Barsheni itself is not particularly beautiful. For some years now, a construction site has been here due to a planned hydroelectric power plant and it is […]

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Mountaineering in India…

Finally, the time has come! My article about our Deo Tibba (6001 m) adventure is  published on the open air blog. Oh, what beautiful memories of this unforgettable experience! This year, by the way, Hanuman Tibba (5932 m) is waiting for us in June! […]

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12 Days Bara Banghal Trek – from Manali to Daramshala

All Treks are different. There are trekking routes with well-developed paths and trails, treks with tea houses along the way, where you can get accommodation and food. There are low-altitude tours and there is the Bara Banghal Trek. A trek, on which for several days there are a lot of goats and sheep, but no […]

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Trekking Peak in Spiti: Kanamo Peak (5969 m)

Another mountain ascent Due to illness, unfortunately, our planned seven-day trek over the Parangla Pass (5600 m) from the Spiti valley to Ladakh got canceled! The trek was supposed to start from the 4200 meter high village Kibber, but our guests unfortunately just didn’t feel comfortable with fever and cold and decided to drive directly […]

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