
Post from Gracy- a report of a Solo Traveler

Namaste lovely Chalo! Travels friends, I’ve been in India for five weeks now and I can report a lot. I have experienced many things and have gone through ups and downs. In India, holidays are until July and this is particularly noticeable on the roads in the mountains. The beautiful landscape with the relatively cool […]

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Rural India

An insight into the Rajasthani village life India is noisy, polluted, overcrowded with lots of traffic, unbearable poor and too many men are around. If you travel from an Indian city to another Indian city, India can make a bad impression. But India’s charms lie much less in India’s overcrowded cities than in its rural […]

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Alone among Indians – my life as a foreign woman in India

Life in the Indian city Admittedly, I do not currently live in one of the Indian metropolises, Delhi, Mumbai or Bangalore. I was able to have this experience during my volunteer year in Delhi and although the year in Delhi and my work with a non-profit organization in one of the slums brought me a […]

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6 reasons why it’s cool to live in India (at least for a while)

I have lived in India for eight years, admittedly not in one of the big, overpopulated and polluted cities, but in the countryside, in the middle of the mountains in the Indian Himalayas. The Indian country life is not only wonderfully relaxing, but the people are also above average friendly here. The following points apply […]

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Living dreams

It was not an easy step to venture into a self-employment as a tour operator for tours in India. But despite my age, some objections of my family and many uncertainties I dared! The decision was 100% right. Time will tell how Chalo! Travels will do in future, but for now t I enjoy India, […]

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